Blog writing is a great way to get to know how someone communicates and what is important to them.

I have been writing in journals since I was a little lass… barely able to form letters. For over a decade I have been sharing my thoughts, insights, and knowledge with the intent of helping friends and family come to a better understanding of who they are and how they are needed to bring light into this amazing world of ours.

Sample my current writing style through the links below.

Jamie’s Led Me To This Blog (June 2022-Present)




  • November 2022: Who do you REALLY work for? Do the research and discover who really owns your company… Or favorite products! *Julie Rose
  • October 2022: Now that your business has been operating for a few years, are you doing today what you thought you would be doing when you came up with your business idea? *Rose Ficco
  • September 2022: What words when used make you cringe? Have you considered your word choices carefully when speaking to others? *Ceone Leistner